What to pack for Patna in the summer
Packing list tips
![Patna in the summer image](https://pjwoccqenbvmfwaxryul.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/images/overview/patna-summer-0.webp)
Patna, India experiences hot and humid weather during the summer months, with temperatures often exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.
When packing for a visit to Patna during this time, it is advisable to bring light and breathable clothing to stay cool and comfortable. Opt for loose-fitting cotton outfits that allow for air circulation and help absorb sweat. It is also important to pack a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the scorching sun.
Additionally, bring along a shawl or scarf to cover your shoulders and head when visiting religious sites or conservative areas in the city. Don't forget to pack sunscreen and insect repellent to shield your skin from the intense sun and pesky bugs. Lastly, remember to pack comfortable footwear for walking around the city, as well as a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.
Overall, prioritize lightweight and modest clothing choices that will keep you cool and respectful of the local customs in Patna during the summer.
Climate for Patna in the summer
Patna, India experiences a hot and humid climate during the summer months, with temperatures often soaring above 40 degrees Celsius.
The city is prone to heatwaves, which can be intense and last for several days. The days are long and sunny, with little to no respite from the scorching heat. Monsoon showers typically begin towards the end of the summer, providing some relief from the oppressive heat.
Overall, the summer in Patna is characterized by high temperatures, humidity, and occasional heavy rains.
Temperature Range in Patna, Bihār, India
Last summer - June, July, August