What to pack for Bihār in the summer
Packing list tips
![Bihār in the summer image](https://pjwoccqenbvmfwaxryul.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/images/overview/bihar-summer-0.webp)
In the summer months in Bihār, India, the weather can be extremely hot and humid.
It is important to pack lightweight and breathable clothing to stay comfortable in the scorching heat. Loose-fitting cotton or linen tops and bottoms are ideal to allow for air circulation and prevent overheating. It is also advisable to pack clothing in light colors to reflect the sunlight and keep you cooler throughout the day.
Additionally, don't forget to bring a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the intense sun rays. Lastly, be sure to pack a few pairs of comfortable, closed-toe shoes for walking on hot pavement and sandy terrain. Sandals can also be a good option, but make sure they have proper support and coverage to avoid burns or blisters on your feet.
Overall, dressing appropriately for the hot and humid weather will ensure a more enjoyable and comfortable experience in Bihār during the summer.
Climate for Bihār in the summer
During the summer months in Bihār, India, the climate is characterized by scorching heat and high humidity levels.
Temperatures typically soar above 40 degrees Celsius, with occasional heatwaves pushing the mercury even higher.
The dry and dusty conditions, coupled with the lack of rainfall, make the summer months uncomfortable and challenging for residents, necessitating the frequent use of fans and air conditioning to stay cool.
Temperature Range in Patna, Bihār, India
Last summer - June, July, August