
What to pack for Srīnagar in the fall

Packing list tips

Srīnagar in the fall image

In the fall season in Srīnagar, Jammu and Kashmīr, India, you should pack a mix of warm clothing to prepare for the increasingly cool temperatures.

The days can be mild, but the evenings and mornings tend to be chilly, so layering is key. Consider bringing long-sleeved tops, sweaters, and light jackets to stay comfortable throughout the day.

Additionally, since Srīnagar is known for its beautiful gardens and lakes, be sure to pack comfortable walking shoes or boots for exploring the city's outdoor attractions. Waterproof shoes may also come in handy as the region receives occasional rainfall during the fall months. Lastly, don't forget to pack a scarf, hat, and gloves to keep warm during the cooler evenings.

These accessories can also add a stylish touch to your outfits while providing necessary warmth in the crisp autumn air of Srīnagar.

Climate for Srīnagar in the fall

In fall, Srīnagar experiences a pleasant climate with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C.

The season is marked by cool mornings and evenings, with sunny days and clear skies. The city is showered with beautiful hues of foliage as the leaves of the iconic chinar trees change color, adding to the charm of the landscape.

The crisp air and comfortable temperatures make it an ideal time to explore the city's breathtaking gardens, lakes, and houseboats, as well as take in the famed autumnal beauty that blankets the surrounding mountains.

Temperature Range in Srīnagar, Jammu and Kashmīr, India

° F ° C

Last fall - September, October, November

Record Low
31° F
Record High
92° F
Average Low
46° F
Average High
70° F

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