What to pack for Nāgāland in the summer
Packing list tips
![Nāgāland in the summer image](https://pjwoccqenbvmfwaxryul.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/images/overview/nagaland-summer-0.webp)
In the summer months in Nāgāland, India, it is recommended to pack light and breathable clothing due to the hot and humid climate.
Cotton and linen fabrics are ideal to keep cool and comfortable in the high temperatures. Loose-fitting tops and pants are advisable to allow for air circulation and to prevent overheating.
Light-colored clothing can also help reflect the sun's rays, keeping you cooler throughout the day. Additionally, it is important to pack a hat or sunglasses to protect yourself from the harsh sun, as well as sunscreen to prevent sunburn.
Comfortable walking shoes are essential for exploring the hilly terrain of Nāgāland.
Climate for Nāgāland in the summer
During the summer months in Nāgāland, India, the climate is characterized by hot and humid conditions with temperatures ranging from 25-35 degrees Celsius.
Monsoon rains typically arrive in June, bringing relief from the heat but also increasing humidity levels. The region experiences occasional thunderstorms and heavy rainfall during the summer months, which can sometimes lead to landslides and flash floods in certain areas.
Overall, Nāgāland in the summer is a challenging climate, with locals and visitors alike needing to adapt to the heat and potential for extreme weather events.
Temperature Range in Kohīma, Nāgāland, India
Last summer - June, July, August