What to pack for Cairo
Packing list tips
![Cairo image](https://pjwoccqenbvmfwaxryul.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/images/overview/cairo-year-round-0.webp)
Cairo experiences hot and dry weather for most of the year, so it's important to bring lightweight and breathable clothing.
T-shirts, tank tops, and shorts are a good choice for both men and women. Women may also want to bring long, loose-fitting skirts or dresses, as it is important to dress modestly in some areas of the city. In the winter months, temperatures can drop significantly in the evenings, so it's a good idea to pack a light sweater or jacket.
Additionally, a scarf can come in handy for covering up in religious sites and for protection from the sun. Comfortable walking shoes are essential for exploring the city, as well as a hat and sunglasses for protection from the strong sun. A swimsuit is also a must for a visit to the city's pools and nearby beaches.
Overall, it's important to dress comfortably and modestly while still being mindful of the weather and local customs.
Climate for Cairo
Cairo has a hot desert climate, with extremely high temperatures in the summer reaching well over 100°F and very low precipitation.
Winters are mild with daytime temperatures averaging in the 60s and 70s and cool nights.
Sandstorms and occasional fog are common throughout the year.
Temperature Range in Cairo, Egypt
Last year