What to pack for Bhopāl in the summer
Packing list tips
![Bhopāl in the summer image](https://pjwoccqenbvmfwaxryul.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/images/overview/bhopal-summer-0.webp)
In the summer months in Bhopāl, Madhya Pradesh, India, the weather can be extremely hot and dry with temperatures often reaching well over 40 degrees Celsius.
Therefore, it is recommended to pack lightweight, breathable clothing such as cotton or linen fabrics to help stay cool and comfortable in the heat. Loose-fitting clothing is also advisable to allow for better air circulation and to prevent overheating.
Additionally, it is important to bring hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the harsh sun rays. Since Bhopāl is a conservative city, it is best to dress modestly and avoid revealing clothes. Long sleeves and pants can be worn to cover up while still staying cool in the heat.
Lastly, comfortable and supportive footwear is essential for exploring the city on foot, as well as a light jacket or shawl for the occasional cooler evenings.
Climate for Bhopāl in the summer
During the summer months in Bhopāl, Madhya Pradesh, India, the climate is hot and dry with temperatures often reaching upwards of 40°C.
The days are long and scorching, with little to no relief from the intense heat. Dust storms are common, adding to the discomfort as the city experiences minimal rainfall during this time.
Residents often seek shade and stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day to escape the oppressive summer heat in Bhopāl.
Temperature Range in Bhopāl, Madhya Pradesh, India
Last summer - June, July, August