
What to pack for Addis Ababa in the fall

Packing list tips

Addis Ababa in the fall image

In the fall, Addis Ababa experiences mild and pleasant weather with average temperatures ranging from 10°C to 23°C.

When packing for your trip to Addis Ababa during this time, it is important to bring clothing that is suitable for layering. This includes lightweight sweaters, long-sleeved shirts, and a light jacket or cardigan for cooler evenings.

Additionally, it is a good idea to pack a mix of casual and slightly more formal attire, as Addis Ababa is a city with diverse fashion styles. While comfortable and breathable clothing is ideal for daytime exploration, slightly dressier outfits may be needed for evenings out or visits to upscale establishments. When it comes to footwear, opt for comfortable walking shoes for exploring the city on foot, as well as a pair of dressier shoes for evenings or formal occasions.

Lastly, don't forget to pack a versatile scarf or shawl, as it can be useful for both warmth and as a modesty covering when visiting religious sites.

Climate for Addis Ababa in the fall

In the fall, Addis Ababa experiences somewhat cooler temperatures compared to the summer months, with average highs of around 70-75°F (21-24°C) and lows of 50-55°F (10-13°C).

The city also receives some rainfall during this time, which helps to maintain a relatively green and lush landscape. The weather is generally mild and pleasant, with occasional cloudy days.

Overall, the fall season in Addis Ababa can be described as a transition period from the warmer, drier months to the cooler, wetter season.

Temperature Range in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

° F ° C

Last fall - September, October, November

Record Low
41° F
Record High
75° F
Average Low
47° F
Average High
70° F

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